Report Types

This article outlines the different report types available in the Reports API and provides examples of their usage.

A note about array limits

Some reports accept arrays of users, activities or sessions. The maximum number of array entries is normally limited to 100. If you have a scenario that specifically requires a limit higher than this, please discuss your use case with our support team.

A note about Item references

Sessions initialised with Item objects in Items API may have provided host page-specific id for some Items that differs from their reference in the Item bank. The Activity-specific identifier is reported as the item_reference of each Item in the raw data (generally the *-by-item-* reports).

If the Item bank reference is required, it can be found as ibk_item_reference in the same object.

Deprecated For backward compatibility, an ibk_reference attribute may also be present. While its value matches that of ibk_item_reference, it is deprecated, and should not be used.

For a group of users, lists up to 100 sessions against one or more activities and the user's percentage score on each session. The list is sorted in descending order based on time submitted. The report uses partial item scoring, so the overall score is the sum of the individual item scores (including any partially correct items) as a percentage of the maximum possible score for all items.

Starting from the 2023.1.LTS update, you can filter by date using the mintime and maxtime attributes.

    "id": "report-10",
    "type": "sessions-list",
    "limit": 5,
    "ui": "table",
    "activities": [
        {"id": "Summer_Test_1", "name": "Summer Test 1, 2015"},
        {"id": "Weekly_Math_Quiz", "name": "Weekly Math Quiz"}
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default sessions-list
The user interface style for this report. Options: table, list
type string
default table

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
session boolean Clickable style for sessions in the list.
type object
default -
The number of sessions to display. Max: 100
type integer
default 10
A timestamp filter based on the completion time of the sessions. The earliest UTC Unix timestamp or datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) to get results from.
type int | string
default -
A timestamp filter based on the completion time of the sessions. The latest UTC Unix timestamp or datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) to get results from.
type int | string
default -

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

An array of one or more activity objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the activity.
name string The name of the activity for display purposes. If not provided, this defaults to the name specified during session initialization.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true
If display_user is set to true and at least one user is specified in the users array, the student name will be displayed.
type boolean
default false
If display_activity is set to false, the name of the activity will not be displayed (this might be useful if exactly one activity is specified in the activities array).
type boolean
default true

For a group of users, lists up to 100 sessions against a single activity and the per-item score on each session. The report indicates which items were correct, incorrect, unattempted and partially correct in each session. Hovering over an item nodes in the report shows the user's score for the item, according to the scoring rule configured on the item during authoring. Note that items may have different maximum scores, and therefore contribute different weighting to the overall score.

The items in an activity may change from time to time, so this report can order and compare items using either their item reference, or using the original order in which the items appeared in each session. See the "align_items" attribute for information on the two modes.

Starting from the 2023.1.LTS update, you can filter by date using the mintime and maxtime attributes.

    "id":    "sessions-list-by-item-1",
    "type":  "sessions-list-by-item",
    "limit": 5,
    "display_user": true,
    "activity_id": "edde56e8-ff65-e42e-b4fe49caad796bd",
    "users": [
        {"id": "brianmoser", "name": "Brian Moser"},
        {"id": "12345678", "name": "John Carter"}
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default sessions-list-by-item
The number of sessions to display. Max: 100
type integer
default 10
A timestamp filter based on the completion time of the sessions. The earliest UTC Unix timestamp or datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) to get results from.
type int | string
default -
A timestamp filter based on the completion time of the sessions. The latest UTC Unix timestamp or datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) to get results from.
type int | string
default -
The ID of the activity to report on.
type string
default -

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
If display_user is set to true and at least one user is specified in the users array, the student name will be displayed.
type boolean
default false

Determines which items are returned for each session and how they are ordered in the report UI and raw data.

It may be set to one of the following strings:

  • "reference": The item nodes are ordered left-to-right according to the order of items in the most recent retrieved session. If an earlier session did not include one or more of those items, that session's raw data will contain null entries for the missing items, and those item nodes will not be displayed in the UI. Use this mode where each session is expected to contain the same items (in a potentially variable order).
  • "index": The item nodes are ordered left-to-right according to the order they appeared in each session. The full list of items for each session is returned in their original order. If one or more sessions contain a different number of items, the report UI will expand to accommodate all items in the largest session. Shorter sessions will be padded with blank nodes in the UI. Use this mode where each session may contain different items. You can use the default UI to compare the sessions based on the order the items were presented, or access the raw data to compare the sessions in a different way.

type string
default "reference"
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user session, shows how many items were correct, incorrect, unattempted (skipped) and unmarked. The report uses dichotomous item scoring to calculate the number of correct items, so partially correct items will be reported as incorrect.

Hovering on the score bar displays the percentage of correct items, rounded to the nearest whole percent.

    "id":          "report-demo",
    "type":        "sessions-summary",
    "user_id":     "brianmoser",
    "session_ids": [
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default sessions-summary
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
An array of one or more session IDs to report on.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user session, shows how many questions were correct, incorrect, unattempted (skipped) and unmarked. The report uses dichotomous question scoring to calculate the number of correct questions.

Hovering on the score bar displays the percentage of correct questions, rounded to the nearest whole percent.

    "id": "report-24",
    "type": "sessions-summary-by-question",
    "user_id": "mce_student",
    "session_ids": [
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default sessions-summary-by-question
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
An array of one or more session IDs to report on.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user, shows their score for the given session/s, categorised by a set of tags. This report provides a drill-down view of the user's performance within a particular tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of tags). The first two levels of the tag hierarchy are used. As an example, imagine a given tag hierarchy defines Subject tags (eg. Math, English) each comprising a set of Topic Areas (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry):

  • For the given session/s, the report shows the percentage of correct, incorrect and unattempted items within each Subject that the session/s covered.
  • Drilling down on a Subject shows the percentage of correct, incorrect and unattempted items in each Topic Area of that Subject.

The report dynamically determines which items were served during the given session/s, and calculates the percentage score for each tag as a proportion of all items in the session bearing that tag. For example, if the session included 8 items tagged Math, and the user had 6 correct, the report calculates a score of 75% for that tag.

The report can be configured to calculate the tag scores using the number of items wholly correct (dichotomous scoring), or as a sum of partial scores per item per tag (partial scoring). Use the scoring_type parameter to specify the desired scoring mode.

    "id":                  "demo-bar-chart",
    "type":                "sessions-summary-by-tag",
    "scoring_type":        "partial",
    "user_id":             "brianmoser",
    "ui":                  "bar-chart",
    "hierarchy_reference": "author",
    "session_ids":         ["B146BA2C-C2D0-4368-B90FFBA2B245F2BA"]
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default sessions-summary-by-tag
The user interface style for this report.
  • table
  • bar-chart Deprecated
type string
default table
How to display item scores; dichotomous (right/wrong) or partial scoring. Options: dichotomous, partial
type string
default dichotomous
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
An array of one or more session IDs to report on.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
The reference of the tag hierarchy to report against.
type string
default -
Choose whether to use the tag name or description for the labels shown in the report. When the description option is set and a tag does not have a description, the tag's name will be used instead.
type string
default description

The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and Hierarcies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initialising the Sessions.

The consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

type integer
default The API Consumer's primary organisation.
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user session, shows the user's responses to each item. Question responses are rendered in review mode, which is read-only and shows the attempted and correct responses. Each item is presented in full, including any static content and features embedded in the item container. This report is like viewing the user's scored exam paper, with details of how each question was scored.

The report also shows a badge indicating the user's score for each item, according to the scoring rule configured on the item during authoring. See item scoring for details.

Note that intro and outro items are not included in this report.

Report only works for sessions created with Items API. For Assess API or Questions API sessions please use Sessions Detail by Question Report report.

    "id":                   "report-demo",
    "type":                 "session-detail-by-item",
    "user_id":              "$ANONYMIZED_USER_ID",
    "session_id":           "8c393c87-77b6-4c14-8da7-75d39243e642",
    "questions_api_init_options": {
        "showCorrectAnswers": false
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default session-detail-by-item
The ID of the user to report on.
type string
default -
The ID of the session to report on.
type string
default -
Initialization options to be passed through to Items API.
type object

The following options are supported (click a property to see its full description in the Items API docs):

Initialization options to be passed through to Questions API.
type object

The following options are supported (click a property to see its full description in the Questions API docs):

Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true
Display item scores next to each item in the report.
type boolean
default true

For a single user session, shows the specific responses of the user for each question. Question responses are rendered in review mode, which is read-only and shows the attempted and correct responses. This report only displays the specific questions embedded in each item; any additional content and features from the item container will be omitted. This report is like viewing a simplified exam paper, or answer sheet, that only shows sections the user was asked to complete without any accompanying reference material.

    "id":                   "report-demo",
    "type":                 "session-detail-by-question",
    "user_id":              "brianmoser",
    "session_id":           "B146BA2C-C2D0-4368-B90FFBA2B245F2BA",
    "questions_api_init_options": {
        "showCorrectAnswers": false
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default session-detail-by-question
The ID of the user to report on.
type string
default -
The ID of the session to report on.
type string
default -
Initialization options to be passed through to Questions API.
type object

The following options are supported (click a property to see its full description in the Questions API docs):

Display item scores next to each question in the report.
type boolean
default false
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default false
If true, the report will render the question using the latest version stored in the item pool from which the assessment was served (or from the itembank if no item pool was used). If false, the report will always retrieve the version of the question served at the time of the session. Note: true only works for sessions created with Items API. Using true for a session created via Assess API or Questions API will throw an invalid param error.
type boolean
default false

For a single user, shows a breakdown of their exposure and performance within a set of content. The set of content is specified using a tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of tags). The first two levels of the tag hierarchy are used.

As an example, imagine a given tag hierarchy defines Subject tags (eg. Math, English) each comprising a set of Topic Areas (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry):

  • The report shows the percentage of items the user has seen in each Subject. The percentage is in proportion to all items tagged with that Subject in the entire itembank. The report also shows how many items the user got correct in that subject, as a percentage of all items they've seen for the Subject. An item counts as "seen" if it appeared in at least one of the user's saved sessions.
  • Drilling down on a Subject shows how many items the user got correct in each Topic Area of that Subject, as a percentage of all items they'™ve seen for the Topic Area.

The report uses dichotomous item scoring to calculate the number of correct items, so partially correct items are counted as incorrect for the calculation of the "% correct" figures. If the user has responded to an item more than once, the most recent score is used.

    "id": "report-3",
    "type": "progress-by-tag",
    "user_id": "mce_student_1",
    "hierarchy_reference": "CCSS"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default progress-by-tag
The user interface style for this report. Options: table , bar-chart
type string
default table
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
The reference of the tag hierarchy to show progress against.
type string
default -
Choose whether to use the tag name or description for the labels shown in the report. When the description option is set and a tag does not have a description, the tag's name will be used instead.
type string
default description

The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and Hierarchies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initialising the Sessions.

The consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

type integer
default The API Consumer's primary organisation.
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a group of users, shows a breakdown of their progress and performance within a set of content. The set of content is specified as one specific tag type within a tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of tags).

As an example, imagine a given tag hierarchy defines ContentPool tags (eg. Formative, Quiz, Assessment) each comprising a set of Subjects (English, Math, History), each comprising a set of Topic Areas (eg. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry). If the report is given the tag path ContentPool:Formative -> Subject:Math, then:

  • The report shows each Topic Area of Formative Math, and
  • Each user's percentage score correct, incorrect and incomplete within the topic area. Each percentage is in proportion to all Formative Math items in the itembank for that Topic Area. Unattempted items count as "incomplete", as does any item that has never appeared in a saved session for that user.

The report uses partial item scoring, so the progress percentage is calculated as the sum of scores on completed items, including any partially correct scores, as a proportion of the maximum possible score if all items in the Topic Area were completed and fully correct. If the user has responded to an item more than once, the most recent score is used.

    "users":[{"id":"mce_student_1","name":"Brian Moser"},{"id":"mce_student_2","name":"John Carter"}],
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default progress-by-tag-by-user

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
user boolean Clickable style for user names.
tag boolean Clickable style for tag names.
progress boolean Clickable style for progress cells.
type object
default -

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
ids * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
The tag hierarchy to show progress against.
type string
default -

An array of tags describing the path through the hierarchy, starting at the top level moving down to the tag you want to report progress on.

By default, the report will be based on the top level of the hierarchy.

Key Type Default Description
type * string The type of the tag.
name * string The name of the tag.
type array
default -
Choose whether to use the tag name or description for the labels shown in the report. When the description option is set and a tag does not have a description, the tag's name will be used instead.
type string
default description

The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and Hierarcies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initialising the Sessions.

The consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

type integer
default The API Consumer's primary organisation.
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a group of users, shows how often a specific event was triggered as they progressed through a set of content. The set of content is specified as one specific tag type within a tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of tags).

As an example, imagine a given tag hierarchy defines ContentPool tags (eg. Formative, Quiz, Assessment) each comprising a set of Subjects (English, Math, History), each comprising a set of Topic Areas (eg. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry). If the report is given the tag path ContentPool:Quiz -> Subject:Math and the event_id "received_help", then:

  • The report shows each Topic Area of the Math Quiz items, and
  • The percentage of the item scores in each Topic Area for which the "received_help" event was triggered during any of the user's sessions.

The report uses partial item scoring, so each percentage is in proportion to the maximum possible score across all Math Quiz items in the itembank for that Topic Area. Therefore, the percentage measures how much of the maximum possible score for the specified tags coincided with a particular event.

The flexibility of the Progress by Tag by User Report makes it well suited to advanced use cases and analysis of user behaviour. Consider these scenarios:

  • Use a custom "show_calculator" event to report how often users use a calculator.
  • Use a custom "link_clicked" event to report how often users click an external link to view some reference content.
  • Use a custom "time_threshold_elapsed" event to report instances where users take a certain amount of time to answer questions.

    "id": "event-progress-1",
    "type": "event-progress-by-tag-by-user",
    "users": [
        { "id": "brianmoser", "name": "Brian Moser" },
        { "id": "12345678", "name": "John Carter" }
    "event": {
        "id": "correct_with_help",
        "display": "Correct with Help"
    "hierarchy_reference": "questiontype",
    "tag_hierarchy_path": [
            "type": "questiontype",
            "name": "clozeassociation"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default event-progress-by-tag-by-user

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
user boolean Clickable style for user names.
tag boolean Clickable style for tag names.
progress boolean Clickable style for progress cells.
type object
default -

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

An object that describes the event to show progress on.

Key Type Description
id * string The ID of the event. The event ID must be configured by Learnosity for your consumer before using this report.
display * string The name of the event for display purposes.
type object
default -
The tag hierarchy to show progress against.
type string
default -

An array of tags describing the path through the hierarchy, starting at the top level moving down to the tag you want to report progress on.

By default, the report will be based on the top level of the hierarchy.

Key Type Default Description
type * string The type of the tag.
name * string The name of the tag.
type array
default -
Choose whether to use the tag name or description for the labels shown in the report. When the description option is set and a tag does not have a description, the tag's name will be used instead.
type string
default description

The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and Hierarcies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initialising the Sessions.

The consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

type integer
default The API Consumer's primary organisation.
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user, shows a breakdown of their progress and performance within a set of content. The set of content is specified as single tag type within a tag hierarchy (a pre-configured set of tags).

As an example, imagine a given tag hierarchy defines ContentPool tags (eg. Formative, Quiz, Assessment) each comprising a set of Subjects (English, Math, History). If the report is given the tag path ContentPool:Formative -> Subject:Math, then:

  • The report shows the user's percentage score correct, incorrect and incomplete within all Formative Math content. Each percentage is in proportion to all items in the itembank tagged as Formative Math. Unattempted items count as "incomplete", as does any item that has never appeared in a saved session for that user.

The report uses partial item scoring, so the progress percentage is calculated as the sum of scores on completed items, including any partially correct scores, as a proportion of the maximum possible score if all items in the Subject were completed and fully correct. If the user has responded to an item more than once, the most recent score is used.

    "id":                  "progress-bar-1",
    "type":                "progress-single",
    "ui":                  "bar",
    "user_id":             "12345678",
    "hierarchy_reference": "book",
    "tag_hierarchy_path":  [
            "type": "course",
            "name": "maths"
            "type": "chapter",
            "name": "4 - Probability"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default progress-single
The user interface style for this report. Options: bar , pie
type string
default bar
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
The tag hierarchy to show progress against.
type string
default -

An array of tags describing the path through the hierarchy, starting at the top level moving down to the tag you want to report progress on.

Key Type Default Description
type * string The type of the tag.
name * string The name of the tag.
type array
default -

The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and Hierarcies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initialising the Sessions.

The consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

type integer
default The API Consumer's primary organisation.
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a group of users, lists their most recent numeric and percentage score on one or more activities. The report can be configured to calculate the overall score as the number of items correct (dichotomous scoring), or as the sum of scores on each individual question (partial scoring). Remember that each item container may contain multiple individual questions. Use the scoring_type parameter to specify how the overall score should be calculated.

    "id": "report-5",
    "type": "lastscore-by-activity-by-user",
    "scoring_type": "partial",
    "ui": "numeric",
    "display_time_spent": true,
    "users": [
        {"id": "mce_student", "name": "Jesse Pinkman"},
        {"id": "mce_student_1", "name": "Walter White"},
        {"id": "mce_student_2", "name": "Skylar White"},
        {"id": "mce_student_3", "name": "Saul Goodman"}
    "activities": [
        {"id": "Summer_Test_1", "name": "Summer Test"},
        {"id": "Weekly_Math_Quiz", "name": "Weekly Math Quiz"}
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default lastscore-by-activity-by-user
The user interface style for this report. Options: bar , numeric
type string
default bar

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
user boolean Clickable style for user names.
activity boolean Clickable style for activity names.
score boolean Clickable style for score cells.
type object
default -
How to display item scores; dichotomous (right/wrong) or partial scoring. Options: dichotomous , partial
type string
default dichotomous

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

An array of one or more activity objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the activity.
name string id The name of the activity for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

If display_time_spent is set to true, the time spent on each activity is shown in the tooltips for each activity score. Time spent is categorized by correct, incorrect, unattempted, unmarked and total items.

Note: time spent is always calculated dichotomously for the items in each activity, regardless of what scoring_type is set for this report. Time spent for partially unmarked items will be reported as unmarked; for fully marked items, time spent on partially attempted and partially correct items will be reported as incorrect. This means a report in partial scoring mode may show a non-zero correct score, but no time spent on correct items.

type boolean
default false
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user, lists their most recent numeric and percentage score on one or more activities. The report can be configured to calculate the overall score as the number of items correct (dichotomous scoring), or as the sum of scores on each individual question (partial scoring). Remember that each item container may contain multiple individual questions. Use the scoring_type parameter to specify how the overall score should be calculated.

    "id": "report-6",
    "type": "lastscore-by-activity",
    "scoring_type": "partial",
    "user_id": "mce_student",
    "display_time_spent": true,
    "activities": [
        {"id": "Summer_Test_1", "name": "Summer Test"},
        {"id": "Weekly_Math_Quiz", "name": "Weekly Math Quiz"}
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default lastscore-by-activity
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
The user interface style for this report. Options: bar , numeric
type string
default bar

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
activity boolean Clickable style for activity names.
score boolean Clickable style for score cells.
type object
default -
How to display item scores; dichotomous (right/wrong) or partial scoring. Options: dichotomous , partial
type string
default dichotomous

An array of one or more activity objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the activity.
name string id The name of the activity for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

If display_time_spent is set to true, the time spent on each activity is shown in the tooltips for each activity score. Time spent is categorized by correct, incorrect, unattempted, unmarked and total items.

Note: time spent is always calculated dichotomously for the items in each activity, regardless of what scoring_type is set for this report. Time spent for partially unmarked items will be reported as unmarked; for fully marked items, time spent on partially attempted and partially correct items will be reported as incorrect. This means a report in partial scoring mode may show a non-zero correct score, but no time spent on correct items.

type boolean
default false
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a group of users, lists their most recent percentage score on a single activity and shows whether each item was correct, incorrect, unmarked or unattempted. The report can be configured to calculate the overall scores as the number of items correct (dichotomous scoring), or as the sum of scores on each individual question (partial scoring). Remember that each item container may contain multiple individual questions. Use the scoring_type parameter to specify how the overall score should be calculated.

The items in an activity may change from time to time, so this report can order and compare items using either their item reference, or using the original order in which the items appeared in each session. See the "align_items" attribute for information on the two modes.

Note See note about Item references

    "id": "report-7",
    "type": "lastscore-by-item-by-user",
    "display_time_spent": true,
    "display_item_numbers": true,
    "scoring_type": "partial",
    "users": [
        {"id": "mce_student", "name": "Jesse Pinkman"},
        {"id": "mce_student_2", "name": "Skylar White"},
        {"id": "mce_student_1", "name": "Walter White"},
        {"id": "mce_student_3", "name": "Saul Goodman"}
    "activity_id": "Weekly_Math_Quiz"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default lastscore-by-item-by-user
If display_item_numbers is set to true, item numbers are displayed in the table header above each score column.
type boolean
default false

If display_time_spent is set to true, the time spent on each item is shown in the tooltip that is activated by hovering over the item score icon.

type boolean
default false

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
user boolean Clickable style for user names.
score boolean Clickable style for score cells.
type object
default -
How to display item scores; dichotomous (right/wrong) or partial scoring. Options: dichotomous , partial
type string
default dichotomous

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
The ID of the activity to report on.
type string
default -
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

Determines which items are returned for each session and how they are ordered in the report UI and raw data.

It may be set to one of the following strings:

  • "reference": The item nodes are ordered left-to-right according to the order of items in the session of the first specified user. If another user's session did not include one or more of those items, that session's raw data will not contain entries for the missing items, and those item nodes will not be displayed in the UI. Use this mode where each session is expected to contain the same items (in a potentially variable order).
  • "index": The item nodes are ordered left-to-right according to the order they appeared in each session. The full list of items for each session is returned in their original order. If one or more sessions contain a different number of items, the report UI will expand to accommodate all items in the largest session. Shorter sessions will be padded with blank nodes in the UI. Use this mode where each session may contain different items. You can use the default UI to compare the sessions based on the order the items were presented, or access the raw data to compare the sessions in a different way.

type string
default "reference"

For a group of users, lists their most recent performance on a single activity, categorised by tags. The report shows the percentage of correct, incorrect and unattempted items within each tag category. The tag categories to include will be taken from the first level of the specified tag hierarchy.

The report dynamically determines which items were served during the given session/s, and calculates the percentage score for each tag as a proportion of all items in the session bearing that tag. For example, if the session included 8 items tagged Math, and the user had 6 correct, the report calculates a score of 75% for that tag.

The report can be configured to calculate the overall score as the number of items correct (dichotomous scoring), or as the sum of scores on each individual question (partial scoring). Remember that each item container may contain multiple individual questions. Use the scoring_type parameter to specify how the overall score should be calculated.

    "id": "report-8",
    "type": "lastscore-by-tag-by-user",
    "display_time_spent": true,
    "users": [
        {"id": "mce_student", "name": "Jesse Pinkman"},
        {"id": "mce_student_1", "name": "Walter White"},
        {"id": "mce_student_2", "name": "Skylar White"},
        {"id": "mce_student_3", "name": "Saul Goodman"}
    "activity_id": "Weekly_Math_Quiz",
    "hierarchy_reference": "DepthofKnowledge"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default lastscore-by-tag-by-user
How to display item scores; dichotomous (right/wrong) or partial scoring. Options: dichotomous , partial
type string
default dichotomous

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Default Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
The ID of the activity to report on.
type string
default -
The reference of the tag hierarchy to report against. Only top tag type of tag hierarchy specified is used.
type string
default -
Choose whether to use the tag name or description for the labels shown in the report. When the description option is set and a tag does not have a description, the tag's name will be used instead.
type string
default description

The ID of the Item bank to fetch Item data and Tag content and Hierarcies from. This needs to match the organisation_id used when initialising the Sessions.

The consumer making the request will need to have access to the Item bank. This access can be ensured via API consumers configuration in the Learnosity Console.

type integer
default The API Consumer's primary organisation.

Toggle clickable styling for certain elements.

If you listen for a click event using on() , the corresponding attribute below will be true by default:

Key Type Description
user boolean Clickable style for user names.
score boolean Clickable style for score cells.
type object
default -

If display_time_spent is set to true, the time spent on each activity and tag is shown in the tooltips for each activity and tag score. Time spent is categorized by correct, incorrect, unattempted, unmarked and total items.

Note: time spent is always calculated dichotomously for the items in each activity, regardless of what scoring_type is set for this report. Time spent for partially unmarked items will be reported as unmarked; for fully marked items, time spent on partially attempted and partially correct items will be reported as incorrect. This means a report in partial scoring mode may show a non-zero correct score, but no time spent on correct items.

type boolean
default false
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

For a single user, shows the overall score for their most recent session on a single activity, rendered as a standalone bar chart or pie chart suitable for incorporating into custom reporting pages. Hovering over the chart graphic shows a breakdown of the score including correct, incorrect and unattempted components. The report uses partial item scoring, so the overall score is the sum of the individual item scores, including any partially correct items.

    "id":          "lastscore-bar-1",
    "type":        "lastscore-single",
    "ui":          "bar",
    "user_id":     "12345678",
    "activity_id": "mid-term"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default lastscore-single
The user interface style for this report. Options: bar , pie
type string
default bar
The ID of the user to show progress for.
type string
default -
The ID of the activity to report on.
type string
default -
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

A live report that renders activity status information for users including:

  • Name of the activity (optional, depending on the display_activity parameter)
  • Status of the activity and whether the activity is paused
  • Status of the student (window/tab focused or unfocused) [Only when using Assess API ≥ 2.61.0]
  • Current item or question the user is viewing

When initializing a live report, the user_id is mandatory in the security object, see the Security section.

There is also a flag to enable control events , which give administrators the ability to send push events to users terminals, enabling them to:

  • Pause/Unpause
  • Extend Test Time
  • Send student to a specific item
  • Exit & Save
  • Exit & Discard

Note This report is primarily for monitoring student progress during proctored assessments. It is updated based on live interactions of students with their assessments in real time. It should not be used to display, analyze, or control historical sessions. Unless a student is interacting live with their assessment, this report will show that user as inactive and control events for their assessment will be ignored. For use cases involving session management, we recommend integrating with Data API's endpoints for status polling and forcing submission.

    "id": "report-23",
    "type": "live-activitystatus-by-user",
    "activity": {
        "id": "itemassessdemo",
        "name": "Demo Test"
    "show_user_selectors" : true,
    "show_action_controls" : true,
    "display_activity": true,
    "users": [
            "id": "brianmoser",
            "name": "Brian Moser",
            "hash": "7224f1cd26c7eaac4f30c16ccf8e143005734089724affe0dd9cbf008b941e2d"
            "id": "walterwhite",
            "activity": {
                "id": "myactivitydemo",
                "name": "My Demo Activity"
            "name": "Walter White",
            "hash": "fd1888ffc8cf87efb4ab620401130c76fc8dff5ca04f139e23a7437c56f8f310"
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report. The type of this report.
type string
default live-activitystatus-by-user
Determine whether to display user selectors. If true, selectors can be used to select one or more users displayed in the report. Use getSelectedUsers() to retrieve the currently selected user(s). Passing this option will override the default set by control_events.
type boolean
default false
Determine whether to display the action drop down menu. If true, the action drop down menu will be displayed. The action drop down menu can be used to send control events to the selected user(s), eg. pause, unpause, extend time, etc. Passing this option will override the default set by control_events.
type boolean
default false
If true, show_user_selectors and show_action_controls will be defaulted as true.
type boolean
default false

The global activity config to apply to each user in the report.

Key Type Description
id string The ID of the activity to filter by. Can be overridden per user.
name string The name of the activity for display purposes.
type object
default -
If set to true, the name of the activity will be displayed (useful if more than one activity filter is specified per user).
type boolean
default false

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name string The name of the user for display purposes.
activity object

The per-user activity config. If set, each property in this object overrides the report's global activity config for this user.

Valid properties are id and name .

hash * string The hash is resulting from applying the SHA256 hashing algorithm to the concatenation of the user id and consumer_secret (no delimiters).
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true

An aggregate report for exploring results for groups of users across one or more activity_ids. User groupings are defined during report generation and can be used to analyse results by region, school, class, demographic traits or any other arbitrary grouping. The report displays a configurable set of statistical measures about each group including the mean, median, percentile, standard deviation and many others. See the full list of available fields.

The report is initialised with the dataset_id of a precomputed dataset created via Data API's /reports/datasets endpoints. The specified dataset must be of the type "activity-summary-by-group".

See the Large Group Report section for an introduction to creating and using them.

    "id":    "activity-summary-by-group-report",
    "type":  "activity-summary-by-group",
    "dataset_id": "616ee247-efb1-4448-8c61-00a1dc5f8e9b",
    "group_path": [],
    "columns": [
            "type": "group_name",
            "label": "Group name"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "population",
            "label": "Students"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "lowest_percent",
            "label": "Lowest score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "highest_percent",
            "label": "Highest score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "mean_percent",
            "label": "Average score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "median_percent",
            "label": "Median score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "p75_percent",
            "label": "75th percentile"

The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.

The type of this report.

type string
default activity-summary-by-group

Specifies the dataset to render in this report. The Large Group Report implementation guide describes how to create a new dataset. The type of the specified dataset must be "activity-summary-by-group".

type string

Array of string group names indicating the group path which should initially display upon load. The root group path [] is displayed by default.

type string[]
default []

Flag that specifies whether or not to display the ancestor rows for the current group in the report when navigating down the group hierarchy.

type boolean
default false

If provided, specifies an array of ColumnDefinition objects defining which of the dataset's fields should be displayed when viewing group-level data. A custom header label can be specified for each column too. By default, the report will display all fields contained in the dataset using the default header labels for those fields.

See the columns reference page for detailed information on the available column types and their properties.

type ColumnDefinition[] | null
default --

If provided, specifies an array of ColumnDefinition objects defining which of the dataset's fields should be displayed when viewing user-level data. A custom header label can be specified for each column too. By default, the report will display all fields contained in the dataset using the default header labels for those fields.

See the columns reference page for detailed information on the available column types and their properties.

type ColumnDefinition[] | null
default --
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true
Name Data Description
load:data Object The initial data for the report is loaded. The event handler is passed the raw data object for the group_path with which the report was initialised. The object structure is equivalent to that available via getGroup().
change:data Object Fires after the data for a new group_path is loaded, in response to user navigation or a call to viewGroup(). The event handler is passed the raw data object for the newly loaded group_path. The object structure is equivalent to that available via getGroup(). --

An aggregate report for exploring results for groups of users across one or more specific session_ids. User groupings are defined during report generation and can be used to analyse results by region, school, class, demographic traits or any other arbitrary grouping. The report displays a configurable set of statistical measures about each group including the mean, median, percentile, standard deviation and many others. See the full list of available fields.

The report is initialised with the dataset_id of a precomputed dataset created via Data API's /reports/datasets endpoints. The specified dataset must be of the type "sessions-summary-by-group".

Once initialised, usage of the sessions-summary-by-group report is identical to the activity-summary-by-group.

See the Large Group Report section for an introduction to creating and using them.

    "id":    "sessions-summary-by-group-report",
    "type":  "sessions-summary-by-group",
    "dataset_id": "8a280519-f779-445a-9116-8440512b28ad",
    "group_path": [],
    "columns": [
            "type": "group_name",
            "label": "Group name"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "population",
            "label": "Students"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "lowest_percent",
            "label": "Lowest score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "highest_percent",
            "label": "Highest score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "mean_percent",
            "label": "Average score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "median_percent",
            "label": "Median score %"
            "type": "numeric",
            "field": "p75_percent",
            "label": "75th percentile"

The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.

The type of this report.

type string
default sessions-summary-by-group

Specifies the dataset to render in this report. The Large Group Report implementation guide describes how to create a new dataset. The type of the specified dataset must be "sessions-summary-by-group".

type string

Array of string group names indicating the group path which should initially display upon load. The root group path [] is displayed by default.

type string[]
default []

Flag that specifies whether or not to display the ancestor rows for the current group in the report when navigating down the group hierarchy.

type boolean
default false

If provided, specifies an array of ColumnDefinition objects defining which of the dataset's fields should be displayed when viewing group-level data. A custom header label can be specified for each column too. By default, the report will display all fields contained in the dataset using the default header labels for those fields.

See the columns reference page for detailed information on the available column types and their properties.

type ColumnDefinition[] | null
default --

If provided, specifies an array of ColumnDefinition objects defining which of the dataset's fields should be displayed when viewing user-level data. A custom header label can be specified for each column too. By default, the report will display all fields contained in the dataset using the default header labels for those fields.

See the columns reference page for detailed information on the available column types and their properties.

type ColumnDefinition[] | null
default --
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true
Name Data Description
load:data Object The initial data for the report is loaded. The event handler is passed the raw data object for the group_path with which the report was initialised. The object structure is equivalent to that available via getGroup().
change:data Object Fires after the data for a new group_path is loaded, in response to user navigation or a call to viewGroup(). The event handler is passed the raw data object for the newly loaded group_path. The object structure is equivalent to that available via getGroup(). --

Also known as the item-scores-by-tag-by-user report (see tutorial), this is a drilldown report for exploring progress and results for one or more students, with breakdown by Tags. This report can display granular results by any taggable attribute of your content, like topic area, learning outcome, content type, difficulty and depth of knowledge. It can also show results for intersections of those attributes (eg. scores for word-based algebraic math Questions at beginner level).

The drilldown and score breakdown behaviour is dynamically configured in-browser when initializing Reports API, based on tag types. This provides for very flexible reporting and reconfiguration on the fly.

The report uses a concept of Live Datasets to provide real-time score data as student sessions are submitted. To get started using this report type, speak to our support team about the tag types you'd like to use for your drill down behaviour.


  • This report is a premium bundle add-on. Contact support to make sure you have access.
  • The learning outcomes report does not currently support multiple Item banks.
  • The learning outcomes report is not currently integrated with any partner Item Banks.

    "reports": [
            "id": "item-scores-by-tag-by-user-report",
            "type": "item-scores-by-tag-by-user",
            "items_tags_live_dataset_reference": "content-hierarchy-items-dataset-00001",
            "session_items_live_dataset_reference": "content-hierarchy-sessions-dataset-00001",
            "users": [
                    "id": "user_20180417a_00001",
                    "name": "Milhouse Vanhouten"
                    "id": "user_20180417a_00002",
                    "name": "Bart Simpson"
                    "id": "user_20180417a_00003",
                    "name": "Sherri Mackleberry"
            "row_tag_type": "ch_proficiency_strand",
            "column_tag_types": [
            "item_tags": [
                    "type": "ch_title",
                    "name": "content_hierarchy_001"
    "label_bundle": {
        "total": "Practical Math, 2nd Ed."
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default item-scores-by-tag-by-user
Reference to an item tags live dataset. Please contact us to set up a live dataset that meets your needs.
type string
Reference to a session items live dataset. Please contact us to set up a live dataset that meets your needs.
type string

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
A tag type to use for pivoting data into rows per user. If omitted, the report will not display scores by tags rows, but instead show the scores on the student level.
type string
default -

Array of string tag types indicating the hierarchy of the column data. Each tag type add a level to the report.

type string[]
default []

Array containing strings of sessions_statuses to include.

type string[]
default []

An array of tags limiting the data of the report to sessions that include the specified tags.

Key Type Default Description
type * string The type of the tag.
name * string The name of the tag.
type array
default -

An array of tags limiting the data of the report to items that include the specified tags.

Key Type Default Description
type * string The type of the tag.
name * string The name of the tag.
type array
default -

A set of activity IDs for optional filtering.

type string[]
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

A timestamp filter based on the created time of the sessions. The earliest UTC Unix timestamp or datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) to filter results to.

type int | string
default -

A timestamp filter based on the created time of the sessions. The latest UTC Unix timestamp or datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) to get results from.

type int | string
default -
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it.
type boolean
default true
Choose whether to use the tag name or description for the labels shown in the report. When the description option is set and a tag does not have a description, the tag's name will be used instead.
type string
default description

For a group of users having taken assessments consisting of the same set of Items, compare their responses side-by-side. Two views are available.

  • A grid view allows to quickly compare users' responses to each Item, as well as the scores they obtained.
  • A detailed view shows the full Items, and has the ability to show each of the responses users have given.

All provided sessions must contain identical Items, as matched by Item reference, Question reference(s) and Question content. The ordering of Items in the provided sessions may be shuffled within each session, as long as the set of Items is the same. However, by reaching out to Learnosity support, you can enable an option where the report will still render, excluding Items with multiple versions, while displaying a warning message.

A dataListener can also be used to retrieve the raw data. The ordering of Items returned in the raw data for each session will respect the ordering of Items seen by each student. The responses given by the student must therefore be joined to their respective Item permutation by matching the sessions[].responses.items[].item_id to items[].item_id. If the users array is supplied, the ordering of Sessions returned in the raw data will follow the order of the session's owner appearing in the users array. Otherwise, the sessions will be ordered by reverse chronological order of updated time.

This report has the ability to use the keyboard for interacting with the chart, in accordance with WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

Keyboard interaction added in version: v2020.2.LTS

    "reports": [
          "id": "response-analysis-by-item-report",
          "type": "response-analysis-by-item",
          "question_source": "original",
          "session_ids": [
          "users": [
                {"id": "user_20200224a_00001", "name": "Milhouse Vanhouten"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00002", "name": "Bart Simpson"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00003", "name": "Sherri Mackleberry"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00004", "name": "Nelson Muntz"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00005", "name": "Terri Mackleberry"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00006", "name": "Lewis Clark"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00007", "name": "Adrian Belew"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00008", "name": "Martin Prince"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00009", "name": "Wendell Borton"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00010", "name": "Nina Skalka"},
                {"id": "user_20200224c_00011", "name": "Sophie Jensen"}
          "item_reference_map": [
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i01", "name": "Item 1"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i02", "name": "Item 2"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i03", "name": "Item 3"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i04", "name": "Item 4"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i05", "name": "Item 5"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i06", "name": "Item 6"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i07", "name": "Item 7"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i08", "name": "Item 8"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i09", "name": "Item 9"},
            {"reference": "20200224_responseAnalysis_i10", "name": "Item 10"}
          "render": true
The ID attribute of the HTML hook for this report.
type string
default -
The type of this report.
type string
default response-analysis-by-item
An array of one or more session IDs to report on.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)

An array of one or more user objects:

Key Type Description
id * string The ID of the user.
name * string The name of the user for display purposes.
type array
default -
limit 100 (See note about array limits)
This parameter determines whether the detailed view displays the original Item as seen by a student or the Item as currently used for scoring. (See the related Questions API parameter and the Data API Update Item method.)

Version added: v2021.3.LTS

type string
  • original Display the Item as originally seen by the student
  • scorable Display the version of the Item currently used for backend scoring
default scorable

An array of one or more objects providing user-friendly names for the Items in the sessions.

Key Type Description
reference * string The reference of the Item in the Item bank.
name * string The user-friendly name of the Item for display purposes.
Render Item response histogram charts in the report UI. This controls the histogram charts in both the grid and detail views.

Version added: v2020.2.LTS

type boolean
default true
Renders the report in place of a DOM element with matching ID.
Note You would set this property to false if you wanted to receive the raw report data only and use your own custom UI to display it. Pass render: false and use a dataListener to get raw data.
type boolean
default true